The 10 laws of karma remind us to start living a full life in peace and harmony

Karma is a cosmic law, which links reactions of cause and effect: according to karma, if we are in a positive or negative state it is only because it is the response to an action previously performed. Past, present and future are not times in themselves, but what happens in a moment can have consequences even in future periods.
There are also other principles to be learned in order to achieve a full, happy and peaceful existence. Here are the 10 laws of karma.

Law of Cause and Effect
If your thoughts are positive and pure, you will receive equally positive and pure things. What you want for others will happen to you.
Law of creation
What surrounds you has an influence on you. This is why you must surround yourself only with positive people and environments. You are one with the rest of the universe.
Humility law
Everything happens for a reason. Accept with humility everything that happens to you, both the good and the bad.
Law of growth
The future is in your hands. Accept everything that proves stimulating for you, to grow like a strong tree that sinks its roots into the ground. The power to be what you want to be is in your hands.
Law of Responsibility
Successes and failures are your sole responsibility. All you are is the result of your actions.
Connection law
If you want something to happen, do everything to make it happen: past, present and future are connected and what you sow today will give you a fruit tomorrow.
Law of change
Do not fall into the trap of habit: stop the cycle of all that is harmful. Changing is fundamental in life and only those who can do it survive.
Law of hospitality
It is much better to give than to receive. Do not give anything by waiting for something in return. To gain the same generosity you are always before all of you.
Law of concentration
Focus on what good happens every day and what you own good. Filling your head with negative thoughts will not get you going anywhere.
Law of here and now
The only time when your actions are valued is the present: we can not change the past, the future is not certain. Thinking of the past or the future creates only useless worries.
If we kept these laws in mind we would free ourselves from many worries that keep us sad and full of negativity!